About 99 Songs Ricca Loves from the 90s

I’m Ricca Razor Sharp, a hip-hop artist from Calgary, AB, and I love 90s music of all kinds! 

I created the 99 Songs Ricca Loves from the 90s podcast to pay tribute to the 90s music that took me from age 12 to 22. Unlike me, these songs never get old! 

What Kind of 90s Songs Does Ricca Love? 

Each 10-minute (ish) episode focusses on a different 90s song I love. You’ll hear me heaping praise on lots of classic hip-hop and grunge tracks, but that’s not all. I’ll also feature pop songs, R&B, Eurodance, ballads, folk, rap rock, country dance, a polka medley, white boy ragamuffin, a comedy opus, Britpop, trip hop, punk rock, novelties, oddities, 90s hits, 90s deep cuts, and some of that good ole fashioned hard rock that alt rock was supposed to be an alternative to. There’s even gonna be a song I salute the last 2:09 of, simply because I didn’t love the first 6:47. 

Who Should Listen to this Podcast?

Everybody who loves 90s music! I’m really hoping to get some listeners from a wide range of age groups. 

If you remember the 90s, I hope these episodes will bring back positive memories from your younger years. Music has been proven to be a powerful emotional trigger, so please relive the 90s with me, one episode at a time. 

If you aren’t old enough to remember the 90s yourself, I hope you’ll take this as a journey of discovery. I see TONS of Gen Z wearing t-shirts that read Nirvana, Sublime, or Death Row Records, so I know the love is there! Tune in each week and hear all about some great 90s songs! 

Ground Rules

I gave myself only one rule when creating this podcast: one song per artist. (OK, guest features clouded the waters a bit, but still) Yes, all the songs on the Chronic and Nevermind are great, but there’s SO MANY MORE great 90s songs to explore. We’re going wide! Check em all out! 

More Than 90s Music

The magic of music goes beyond chords and lyrics. It cuts to who we are. That’s why I’ll not only talk about the songs themselves, but also the way they hit. How they felt at the time. 

In addition to 90s music, I’ve always loved 60s music. I wasn’t alive to experience them firsthand, which is why I’ve always enjoyed hearing people who were discuss the decade. I’m hoping to do the same for these 90s songs, helping listeners of all ages feel the love (and sometimes lack of love) these 90s songs were met with when they came out. Take the journey with me! 

How Do You Feel About These 90s Songs?

Follow Ricca Razor Sharp on Facebook and Instagram and join the conversation! Each week I’ll be posting about another 90s song, so let me know why you love it (or why you don’t).